Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I know as most of you see this post you are probably sighing because this is what everyone does on January 1st. We talk about regrets and what we plan to do differently...AKA...make resolutions. Yes, I intend on putting my resolutions in this blog, however; I will not be writing about regrets...rather moments from 2012 that have forever changed my life.  So sit back and read if you want, or don't. Either way, these are the top moments from 2012 in my life.

In April James left for Boot Camp. It was one of the hardest times of my life but also one of the best. I was lucky enough to have supportive friends and family that we there through the whole process. James going to Boot Camp was the first step in a new direction. A new life. A happier one. Not just for me, but for him. You see, for the previous year and a half, I was able to use my degree, he was not able to. So to know he was starting something that he worked so hard for, made me happy. It was the beginning.

Working at the CDL, now NDCDC was the best year ever. Yes, it was tough at times, but I met some really great friends who I will cherish for the rest of my life. I also worked with an age group that I had not had much experience with and discovered that I love infants. It was a real "eye-opening" year. So I would like to say thank you to everyone that played a part at the CDC. Love and miss you guys.

This year also had hard moments, but I like to look back on it in a different light. My grandpa passed away and it was really tough. James was in boot camp so I felt pretty alone. It wasn't his fault. It was just a really hard time for me. I had to face new challenges that I knew would one day happen-just did not know it would happen at that moment. In retrospect, it made me look back and realize that life is fragile. You should spend as much time with loved ones as you can. They will not be around forever. Enjoy the moments you have with them. They do not last forever. I will never forget the memories I had with him. He was a good man. I was recently reminded of him when I set up my train around our Christmas tree. He gave me that train and every year I will continually put it up for him.

In September I faced the biggest challenge. We moved to Alabama. A new place. No job. Very frustrated. But since the moment we arrived in Alabama we have met nothing but nice people. Everyone is super nice down here and very different from North Carolina. NC will always be near to my heart, but AL is home now. We have met some really great friends and I have been fortunate enough to earn two jobs, one working with the Boys & Girls Club and one working with the Youth Center on post. I am very fortunate and count my blessings.

In November, James lost his childhood pet. He tore me up knowing he was hurting. It was even harder knowing his sister was having a hard time and there was nothing I could say or do. Being 12 hours away can be hard sometimes. Although it was tragic, he is in a better place now.

While 2012 had good and bad, and happy and sad moments, there is not anything I regret. Regret would mean I did not make the choice at the time. Rather I did. I do not regret anything. I only learn. That is life and I will continue to do things that I will "learn from." If you regret things then you are not living life. Just learn from your mistakes and move on.

Now to the part that everyone hates reading. While this blog isn't really for anyone except me. Rather I am writing this so that I can be accountable for my actions and try to stick to them as best I can. None of my resolutions are terribly hard...they just take discipline which I know I can do. So here are my 2013 Resolutions:

1. I will limit my intake of red meat
2. I will exercise at least 3 days a week.
3. I will watch the words that come out of my mouth

Pretty simple list this year, but none-the-less, will take work. And to me, that is all that matters. I am going to try my best. That is all I can do.

So here is to 2013. I wish all of our friends and family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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