Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 10

Week 10 is already here! Time has really flown by. Two more weeks and the first trimester will be over! I cannot wait! I am still waiting on my energy to return! :)

This week was a pretty stressful week. We ended up moving over the weekend which was lots of fun (note sarcasm). Very thankful for friends that helped us move since I was working pretty much the entire time. Without them it would not have happened. So thank you!

On Sunday I started getting sick with a Sinus Infection, which I am sure was due to the cold weather that came out of nowhere! It was literally 70 degrees on Thursday and then like 30 degrees on Friday. It was crazy! Luckily it is warm again.

So on top of that, my sweet Grandma Hi-Ho passed away on Monday. She had fought for many years and finally was taken to be with her God. I know she is in a much better place, but it still really hurts. She was such a great human being! She loved to clog, help people, laugh, cook, and serve her Lord. She was married 57 years to my Grandpa Hi-Ho and was a great role model in every aspect. I only hope I am privileged enough to see 57 years of marriage.

It is really hard to lose a relative. As I write this I realize that this is the second grandparent I have lost in a matter of a year and 4 relatives I have lost within the last three years. That's tough. Family will not be around forever so if you do still have family you should really cherish those moments. When they are gone...that is it. All you will have are memories.  No more cooking together, or chatting about when they where young, or getting advice from what I would consider an expert on life. Cherish the moments, even if they are stupid to you. They will mean wonders later.

I'll get off my soap box now...

Back to pregnancy and the wonders of the 1st trimester....what are we kidding? Wonders? I mean yes it is neat how my baby is growing, but there is nothing happy about the actual physical and emotional toll it has on your body. At least for me anyways.  LOL! I am hopeful though that I get my energy back soon. Everyone says it comes back so I will take your word on that. :)

Oh, did I mention that Baby Old is the size of a prune? Yeah, pretty neat, huh? Oh...and there is no more tail and we have toes and fingers now! Yay! Our baby looks like a human and not a tadpole now! Good news! :)

Well besides that....everything is good. James is good. Ella is....well lazy and sleeping beside me as we speak. Everything else in the Old World is good! :)

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